Several friends were at the open house for the new CrossFit Perryville this morning! Brian, Scott and Dustin are excited and ready to begin a new chapter in their CrossFit lives. We wish them all success as they start this adventure. It is also with some sadness that we wish them well as we will miss them greatly here in Jackson!

We also want to wish Laura Moll quick healing and relief from pain after her surgery on Monday. We will be in prayer that everything goes smoothly! Speaking of missing people, we are also sad to say good-bye to Laura and Susan as they work out in Perryville for the most part from now on. They will be able to go to a 5am class there and sleep in compared to driving to Jackson and back. Work hard ladies!

MONDAY 10-2-17
Strength WOD:
3x5 Bench Press
Team Series #4
For time:
with a partner complete
100 Calorie Row*
100 Toes-2-Bar**
*may switch between partners at any time, only one working at a time
** scale is knees up

TUESDAY 10-3-17
"Beginner Andy"
For time:
20 Thrusters (75,55)
30 Box Jumps (24,20)
50 Deadlift (75,55)
1 Mile Run
50 Deadlift
30 Box Jumps
20 Thrusters

Team Series #7
with a partner on a 20 minute clock for max reps and load*
Partner 1
2 minutes Handstand Push-ups
2 minutes Rest
2 minutes Double Unders
2 minutes Rest
2 minutes 1RM Back Squat
Partner 2
2 minutes 1RM Back Squat
2 minute Rest 
2 minute Double Unders
2 minute Rest
2 minute Handstand Push-ups
*scale is Single Unders and Hand Release Push-ups

THURSDAY 10-5-17
Team Series #6*
21-15-9 for time:
with a partner do synchronized:
Alternating arms single arm DB Snatch (50,35)
Bar Muscle-ups
*scale is (35,20) and Pull-ups

FRIDAY 10-6-17
Strength WOD:
3x5 Back Squat
Team Series #5
AMRAP in 10 minutes:*
with a partner:
3 Synchro Burpee Box Jump Overs (24,20)
3 Synchro Deadlift (225,155)
6 Synchro Burpee Box Jump Overs
6 Synchro Deadlift
*scale is (20,20) Burpee Step Overs and (155,105)

SATURDAY 10-7-17
Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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