The virtual Tough Mudder is going well for the three of us that signed up. Still no mud, so I’m happy! However there are some workouts that are going to be released on Monday that I might want to include in our wods. Then we can kill two birds with one stone! So this week I only have wods for Monday and Wednesday planned. That leaves room for options. I have wods ready for those days if there isn’t a good suggestion for us all to do. A few of our optional challenges have been too weird, and a few have been too easy. I will edit this post on Monday after I see what the challenge wods are.

MONDAY 10-19-20
"Captain America WOD"
4 Rounds of:
45 seconds of Jumping Squats
15 seconds of Rest
45 seconds of 10 Mountain Climbers, 1 Push-up
15 seconds of Rest
45 seconds of Rope Climbers (on back, on floor)
15 seconds of Rest
45 seconds of Ice Skaters
15 seconds of Rest
45 seconds of Plank Walks
15 seconds of Rest
45 seconds of Plank Jumps
15 seconds of rest

TUESDAY 10-20-20
Strength WOD: Back Squat 70%,80%,90% (3-3-3+)
For time:
Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups

WEDNESDAY 10-21-20
5 Rounds of:
Complete 30 KB Swings in a minute
Rest one minute
On the 5th round do as many Swings as possible. Don't stop at 30 reps.

THURSDAY 10-22-20
Strength WOD: Power Clean 70%,80%,90% (3-3-3+)
AMRAP in 7:00
50 Double Unders
10 Overhead Squats

FRIDAY 10-23-20
7 Rounds for time:
100’ Bear Crawl
4 Triangle Sprints 
20 Sit-ups 

SATURDAY 10-24-20
Open Gym at 8am and 9am
Yoga at 9am

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