I have decided to make the second week of every month “Share the Pain” weeks. This will be, second week/bring a second person with you, for free. As always for “Share the Pain” the workouts will be less complicated to learn, but just as effective as always for training. And when you bring a friend you will each receive a free FitAid drink. When your friend signs up for their own training commitment, you will receive a discount off of your fees. Let’s have fun with these partner wods. Any of these can be done without a partner, but with a friend is always more fun!

MONDAY 10-12-20
"Deck of Cards"
For time:
with a partner or half the deck alone
Draw a card from the deck 
Complete the reps required of that movement
2-10=reps according to face value
Ace=11, Joker=50
Joker=Ring Rows

TUESDAY 10-13-20
For time:
Move 400# per person from the scale inside to the sign outside, and back.
To ensure safer distancing, pick up an item from the scale and take it down the stairs through the bay to the outside platform by the sign. When returning, come in the front door, through the front room, to the main room, to the scale.

WEDNESDAY 10-14-20
AMRAP in 20:00
Person 1 do 30 Sit-ups
Person 2 do as many single Jump Ropes as possible in the time it takes person 1 to complete the sit-ups.
Switch places with partner
Complete 10 Wall Balls through the bar for each person
Rounds and reps of jump ropes will be your score

THURSDAY 10-15-20
Strength WOD: Bench Press 65%,75%,85% (5-5-5+)
4 Rounds for time:
200' Sled Push/Pull
15 Sandbag Cleans
Shuttle Run with Med Ball

FRIDAY 10-16-20
5 Rounds for time:
3 Tire Flips
6 Jumping Back Squats (sandbag)
9 Jump in and out
12 Sledge Hammers
15 Push-ups

SATURDAY 10-17-20
Open Gym at 8am and 9am
Yoga at 9am

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