We are going to try to increase our strength wods for the next few weeks. This may help prepare us for the upcoming Open! Because it takes some time to do these strength wods I would like to suggest to you a different warm-up. Start with Rowing, Running, Biking or Double Unders. Do a few things that you might be specifically working on. Then get right to your strength warm-up. There is no need to rest between warm-up lifts. Keep adding weight and lifting with no rests until you get to your work sets. Rest between those work sets for 2-4 minutes. When that is completed get what you need together for the following wod and do a few of each of those movements. That should prepare you to do the wod without taking so long getting ready. If we do this we can still have good metcons along with doing a little more lifting.

Another thing that might be different is the weather! When the weather gets bad I will ask/text those who are signed up for classes if you can make it in. I will also let you know if I think I can make it in! We will cancel classes on a class by class basis rather than following the school cancellation policies. Please make sure you are getting the e-mail notices from the website, so I can make one announcement and everyone should get the notice. This doesn’t happen often, but having a plan before it is needed works better than scrambling afterwards.

MONDAY 1-8-18
Strength WOD: Back Squat
3 Rounds for distance:
Row 50 sec, rest 10 sec
Row 40 sec, rest 20 sec
Row 30 sec, rest 30 sec
Row 20 sec, rest 40 sec
Row 10 sec, rest 50 sec

TUESDAY 1-9-18
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
For time:
10 Pistols-alternating
1 Wall Walk/or Around the World
20 Pistols
2 Wall Walks
30 Pistols
3 Wall Walks
40 Pistols
4 Wall Walks

Front Squats

THURSDAY 1-11-18
Strength WOD: Power Clean
For time:
30 Clean & Jerks (135,95)

FRIDAY 1-12-18
5 Rounds for time:
3 Atlas Stone Shoulders
5 Strict Pull-ups
15 Wall Balls (20,14) to 10',9'

SATURDAY 1-13-18
Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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