The emphasis at right now seems to be getting back to basics. We certainly know there have been a lot of pull-ups and push-ups! There is also a push to learn some of those more advanced gymnastic movements like muscle-ups and L-sit pull-ups. We are going to try to practice some things that will strengthen your core so we can move on to these advanced things. It’s all about core-to-extremity strength training and programming. We are not going to pick out body parts to isolate and strengthen at the expense of moving your whole body correctly.

Those of you that have birthdays coming up, next week is apparently birthday week. Let me know what your favorite moves are and we will all celebrate with you!

MONDAY 1-28-19
5 Rounds for time:
100' Yoke Walk
5 Wall Walks
100' Waiter's Walk (50,35)*
*change hands halfway

TUESDAY 1-29-19
Strength WOD: Power Clean
For time:
Double Unders

For time:
Supine Ring Rows*
*Rings at waist level, feet forward, pull to belly, hands together

THURSDAY 1-31-19
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
"Death by" Sumo Deadlift High Pull (using SP work weight)

FRIDAY 2-1-19
3 Rounds for time:
1 minute L-sit hold (on floor or 12" box)
2 minute Handstand Hold
500 meter Row

Open Gym from 8-10 am

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