Many of you have figured out how to use the new scheduling plug-in on our website. I thank you  for signing up for classes. I am getting your e-mails letting me know you are coming. If you sign up for the whole week at one time you can click the dates and times for all the classes you want to attend, then fill in your contact information and submit. All the classes will be listed under the calendar so you can check to see that they are the classes you meant to sign up for. You should get one e-mail to remind you that you signed up as a confirmation, and I get one as well. If you sign up and submit one at a time you will get a separate e-mail for every class and so will I. The advantage to signing up for a week at a time is that you don't have to remember if you signed up or not and you have a commitment made so you don't have the temptation to skip if you feel a little tired. You also sign up in plenty of time for me to get your e-mail before the class starts! Sometimes my e-mails take a hike before they get to me! Signing up at the last minute sometimes gets missed.

Lydia, Laura A. Meece and I are going to Cookville, TN this weekend for a CrossFit Kids cert. I'm really excited about the possibility of adding this program in our gym! Let me know if you have kids who are interested or if you know of other kids who want to participate. Also, be thinking about times that might fit with your schedule. It's no good offering a program at a time that kids won't be available.

MONDAY 1-25-16
"Brian's Birthday WOD"
5 Rounds for time of "1-24-1959"
1 Rope Climb
24 Calorie Row
1 minute Plank
9 Deadlifts (BW)
5 Toes-2-Bar
9 Wall Balls (20,14)

TUESDAY 1-26-16
Front Squat
4 Rounds for time:
25 Push-ups
50 Sit-ups

21-15-9 for time:
Farmers Lunges (53,35)

THURSDAY 1-28-16
Power Clean
Tabata Slam Balls*
* you choose the weight, score is lowest number of reps in any one cycle

FRIDAY 1-29-16
3 Rounds SLOWLY, not for time
21 Overhead Squats (95,65)
21 GHD Sit-ups
21 Hip and Back Extensions 
in 3 minutes count max reps of Double Unders*
* score is 3 numbers of reps of Double Unders only

SATURDAY 1-30-16
Open Gym from 8 to 10

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