The Open is going to begin in one month. CrossFit is trying to get everyone ready for it by programming lots of Wall Balls, Pull-ups, Deadlifts, Cleans and Rowing! We are doing enough of those things already that we don’t need too much more of the same. CrossFit also recommends that everyone take the Judges Course, so they can be better prepared for what the movement standards will be. That is a good reason to take the course. And I would like some of you to take it so you can help me judge participants. We will all be doing the workouts of the Open, so you might as well sign up to see where you are in the world standings. I think you may be pleasantly surprised to see how well you really measure up. Our gym holds people to the movement standards all year long, for the most part, not just for the Open. You can do this!

MONDAY 1-24-22
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
2 Rounds for time:
100 meter Lunges
300 meter Run

TUESDAY 1-25-22
AMRAP in 15:00
1 Deadlift-heavy
50 meter Row
2 Deadlifts
100 meter Row
3 Deadlifts
150 meter Row
4 Deadlifts
200 meter Row
5 Deadlifts
250 meter Row
6-300, 7-350, ...

5 Rounds for time:
MB Deadlifts
MB Cleans
MB Push Press
MB Push-ups
MB Sit-ups
Round 1=5 reps/movement
Round 2=10 reps/movement
Round 3=15
Round 4=20
Round 5=25

THURSDAY 1-27-22
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
AMRAP in 8:00
3 Handstand Push-ups (1 Wall Walk, 3 Seated DB Presses)
3 Cleans-heavy (185,135)
6 Handstand Push-ups
3 Cleans
9 Handstand Push-ups
3 Cleans
12 Handstand Push-ups
6 Cleans
15 Handstand Push-ups
6 Cleans
18-6,21-9, ...

FRIDAY 1-28-22
5 Rounds for time:
21 Calorie Row
12 Burpee Box Overs
1 Rope Climb

SATURDAY 1-29-22
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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