The gym will be open on our normal schedule on Monday. Some of you have the day off, but the gym will not close, unless the weather is terrible. I don’t think there will actually be much snow for us this week. If that changes and you feel unsure about driving to the gym we can text with people who have signed up, to see how we all feel about coming in. I do think it will be extremely cold! I would recommend wearing more clothes than you need to work out in and changing when you get here. I always try to wear something I can walk to get help in case my car breaks down. Think about what you might want on your legs instead of shorts.

MONDAY 1-15-24
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
3 Rounds for time
15 Hang Power Snatch (95,65)
15 Pull-ups

TUESDAY 1-16-24
For time:
80 Double Unders
60 KB Swings
40 Double Unders
60 KB Walking Lunges
80 Double Unders

8 Rounds for time:
8 Bike Calories
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24,20)

THURSDAY 1-18-24
Strength WOD: Deadlift (3x5)
AMRAP in 5:00
500 meter Row
Max Wall Balls
5:00 Rest
AMRAP in 5:00
500 meter Row
Max MB Cleans

FRIDAY 1-19-24
5 Rounds for time:
10 Push-ups
20 GHD Sit-ups
30 Squats

SATURDAY 1-20-24
Open Gym at 8am and 9am


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