These are the new extra WODs for people that want more work. Do them as you determine you should!

WOD 1:
EMOM for 12 min:*
10 Kettlebell Swings (70,53)
150' Sprint
*penalty for each missed round= 60 second plank/round

WOD 2:
4 Rounds of:
7 Bear Complex*
Rest 90 seconds
*don't put bar down until 7 complex are completed, increase weight each round

WOD 3: 
4 Rounds for time of:
2 Front Squats @75% of max
10 Ball Slams (20)
1 Rope Climb

WOD 4:
8 Rounds of:
10 Jumping Back Squats (50,40)
60 seconds of Max Rep Push-ups
*rest 2 minutes between rounds

WOD 5: 
4 Rounds for time of: 
8 Strict HSPU
6 Hang Power Cleans (185,125)
8 Lateral Box Jumps (20,18)
*alternate sides for lateral box jumps

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