I know you want to sign up, so do it this week! If you sign up later you’ll have to pay an extra $10 for nothing. Just in case you lost the link to register, here it is, https://festivusgames.com/register-2015-04/?paramHostNumber=0420, and do it today! All of you who said you were interested check your schedule and…

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Some of you have asked for more work to get stronger, or ready for competitions. I have added strength WODs, changed their rotations, and am going to change them again. We tried two strength WODs each week with emphasis on different lifts. Now we are going to try three strength WODs each week. Back Squat…

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Now that you know about the Festivus Games, like where they will be, HERE at Nearly Perfect CrossFit! When they will be, October 17, 2015. Where to sign up, at this link, https://festivusgames.com/register-2015-04/?paramHostNumber=0420. You can go to the Festivus Games site and see what the work outs are. We will start practicing them before the date…

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We have three On Ramp graduates and two more to follow shortly.     Adam Pavelka     Jason Cox and Kara Justis Cox, (they just got married on July 4th). Congratulations to all of you for joining us in CrossFit and to Kara and Jason on their new marriage.

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  Do you see this?       Now all you have to do is sign up! Those of you that couldn’t compete last April in Marion, now have a chance to compete here at home!! For those of you that competed in the Open last spring and did mostly Rx in your category, you…

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I am assuming more people want to come to the gym than are signed up right now. Please sign up if you want to show up. It really makes structuring the class easier, especially if you know ahead of time that you will have to juggle equipment. I had a few suggestions of “fun” things…

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We have some fun wods this week. Chris made up one for his birthday on Wednesday. Nathan made up some fun for us on Friday. Laura chose some movements for a wod on Monday. Does anyone else want to make suggestions that you think are fun? Be careful, people might not appreciate your “fun” stuff!…

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Hey Hey! The internet connection can be a wonderful thing! I had no service for anything all week. I hope everything went smoothly. I’m sorry that I couldn’t put the wods on the website last week, but it looks like you managed. Thank you to all the trainers who filled in for me!!!! MONDAY 6-15-15…

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The wods are written, the trainers for all the classes are scheduled, the schedules are printed so you can pick up your own copy. That means we must be ready for vacations to begin! For some of you that are already on vacation, rest up and come back ready to have more fun. Summer should…

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I hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day Holiday. Lydia and I very much enjoyed our Level 1 re-cert. We learned a lot and can’t wait to share some of what we learned with you. Since we had the day off on Monday, we start this week’s wods on Tuesday. Oh yea, today is Lydia’s birthday.…

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