We are celebrating birthdays this week in the gym! There is one actual birth to announce. Julianna had her baby Thursday afternoon! We will come up with a wod for him later. This week we are celebrating with a wod for Amber and for Leslie Sievers. Don’t forget, if your birthday is coming up and…

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Guess what happened when we got to South Carolina. We visited a CrossFit gym! I know you’re not surprised. You will get to taste a little of what we learned too, in a new warm-up and a wod! Fun, fun, fun! MONDAY 4-4-16 “JT” 21-15-9 for time: Hand Stand Push-ups Ring Dips Push-ups TUESDAY 4-5-16…

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Happy Easter! I hope everyone celebrated well. If you ate too much candy, don’t worry, I can help you work it off! We have 5 wods this week planned since the Open is over. If you haven’t finished 16.5 yet, you still have one more day to do, and then submit your score. You are…

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We have only one more Open WOD to go in this year’s competition! Unless you are repeating 16.4 for a better score, then you have two left. I am so proud of you that signed up and are trying your hardest. Your scores reflect your efforts in everything you do! Some of us have even…

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There are two “holidays’ in this week! The first one is Pi Day, 3.1416. We will be doing fun things with pies/circles! Then there is St. Patrick’s Day. We will do everything with  Irish “tankards” in our hands. No green beer in them, but we can pretend! As far as sign-ups are going, please sign…

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If you still need to repeat your Open 16.2 wod there is plenty of time. You have all day tomorrow, or until 7 pm our time, to improve and post your new score! Sometimes just a rep or two makes the difference in 4 more minutes! I will be repeating mine too. Any predictions for…

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I am so proud of all of you that signed up for the 2016 Open Competition! We have 13 competitors out of 40 members, which is over 30%! Nice showing for our gym. I hope all of you do well this year! If any of us makes it to Regionals or to California, I say…

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Now that you’ve signed up for the Open, I will continue posting the wods. Friday will be left blank for the “to be announced” first Open Wod 16.1! You will have the opportunity to do the wod Friday, Saturday and Monday if you choose. The scores given to you by your judge need to be…

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