We had lots of fun with birthdays last week! Some wods were “ninja wods”, you know, the kind that doesn’t look too bad on the board but sneaks up on you! But we still have a birthday for this week. This time we are substituting Sit-ups for Knees-to-Elbows instead of the other way around. It’s…

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I have had a great day off! I hope you have too. We can be ready to come back and work out hard again after a little break. We are celebrating birthday week for several people in the gym! Happy Birthday to each of you! I hope everyone else likes what you’ve chosen to celebrate…

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We’ve had two CrossFit babies born this week! Congratulations to the new Moms and Dads! And welcome to the world new little ones! We are a family that rejoices when one rejoices, and weeps when one weeps. Let’s continue to take good care of each other!! We can also rejoice in Birthdays. We have one…

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There was a list started at the shower for Laura, of guesses of dates and birth weights for the baby. Feel free to add your guesses to the list, but guess sooner rather than later! They have been to the hospital twice this weekend already! This week the wods are variations on a theme. We…

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This has been a happy and sad day. Happy that I got to spend the day with some of my kids. Two of whom are very appreciative for all the gifts you brought for the shower for Laura on Saturday. Thanks to all of you! Then sad because I just got home from the memorial…

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A very important announcement, the shower for Laura and Nathan will be this coming Saturday May, 7th from 11am to 1pm. There will be Open Gym that day, as usual, for anyone who wants to exercise first from 8 to 10. Then we will share lunch, games and presents for the newest baby girl. Also,…

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No tricks this week. We all learned our lessons with not posting wods, cherry picking wods we like and being prepared to do the best we can do. I am going to keep up the running wods more often now that the weather is perfect for running! Be prepared to get better at things you…

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Well the experiment worked and backfired at the same time! More people worked out than would have. (Several people said they would not have come if they had known what we were doing.) People learned that scales are acceptable. This is good for those that cherry pick WODs in order to miss the things they…

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I’m going to try an experiment on you, my guinea pigs! Isn’t that how it always is for the 5am class? I have heard lots of talk, rumors or real threats, I’m not sure which they are, about not coming if XYZ is the posted workout! Well, I’m listening to those comments and I promise…

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