I was just looking to see who has signed up for tomorrow’s classes before I go to bed. Not very many of you! Maybe you are waiting on me to post the wods, oops. Sorry I’m late tonight. MONDAY 8-13-18 For time: 100 M Walking Lunge 100 Push-ups 100 MB Clean (20,14) 100 Pull-ups 100…

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All the rest of the wods this week are directly inspired by the CrossFit Masters 50+ and the Teens 14-15. Enjoy! TUESDAY 8-7-18 ”Doubles and Oly” For time: 50 Double Unders 5 Squat Snatch (185,135) 50 Double Unders 4 Squat Snatch (205,145) 50 Double Unders 3 Squat Snatch (225,155) 50 Double Unders 2 Squat Snatch…

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We are thoroughly enjoying being at The Games! Devon has given several athletes high fives as they pass by the crowds. All of the wods have been incredible to watch the athletes complete. Only in the Masters 60+ division do I even have the thought that, I could keep up with some of them! When…

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I trust that all of you have the numbers that you need for the door openers for this week’s classes. If you don’t know who you should contact in case your plans change and can’t make it to the class you signed up for, you can get that number tomorrow. Don’t contact me, it won’t…

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This week classes will be on our normal schedule. If you sign up for a class a trainer will show up too. Next week will be different, however. On Monday, July 30th classes will be our normally scheduled classes, including the last day of CrossFit Kids. Then, Tuesday, July 31st thru the next Monday, August…

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We are going to celebrate another birthday this week! These are always fun and interesting to find out what movements some people like. You like those? Are you kidding? This week will be Megan’s birthday. These movements are more on the normal side. Can you guess how old she will be? Let’s have fun celebrating…

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It is never too late to write a birthday wod to share with all of your friends. If your birthday has just passed or is coming up soon, let me know what movements you like, or are working on. We can make anything into a birthday wod! As you will see this week we have…

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Just in case you didn’t realize the Fourth of July holiday was this week, it snuck up on me too! We will be closed on the fourth. If you need something to do there is a 5K race that starts at 7:04 somewhere in Jackson. We will be open on the 5th, but if you…

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It is full summer weather now. Which means it is going to be really hot this week. High temps this week are supposed to be between 90 and 99. I haven’t programed anything outside in the sun, but it will still be hot inside, even with all the fans. This means come already hydrated. Slow…

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Let’s take a minute to talk about protecting things, first yourselves! If you are tired, sore and need a rest day, take one. You can always come into the gym on that day and spend an hour doing mobility work with foam rollers, balls and bands. The second way to protect yourself is to check…

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