The Open is over for another year. To everyone who signed up, good for you! At least we all had fun! Right? Someone said I should have been the predictor of what the workout was going to be, because I did some of the things on Thursday of each week. For that I am truly…

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The Open this year is almost over. There are no more surprise WODs on Fridays. There is only Monday to finish up 24.3. If you haven’t done it, or heaven forbid, want to repeat it, you have Monday until 7pm to submit your scores. I’m done! Whatever I did was enough. Whatever you did was…

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For those of you doing the Open competition, you have one more week to go, unless you want another try for 24.2. Personally, I thought that one was a one and done WOD! I never want to do that one again! This week for fun we have Pat’s Birthday WOD! These are all the things…

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We have a new domain for our website. Hopefully we can transition smoothly. I am not the best at doing anything on the computer! But at least you will have the WODs on this blog for this week. The new domain is: MONDAY 3-4-24 Strength WOD:Back Squat (3×5) then: AMRAP in 15:00 20 Alternating…

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We only have 4 WODs to post this week because the Open WOD 24.1 will be the workout for Friday. As always you will do the WOD on Friday whether you have signed up to compete in the Open or not. If you can’t do Rx, you should be able to do scaled. If there…

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All of the WODs on the main site are trying to prepare us for the Open. There are a lot of people that try to figure out what those WODs will be each week, but I think that is a waste of time. They will be whatever they are. And we will be able to…

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We are entering full birthday season! Was everyone born in the late winter/early spring? Not me, but lots of you were. We also have the CrossFit Open to do in March. We will all do those WODs, so you might as well sign up and see where you place in your age group. To make…

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We have some birthdays coming up, or just passed. David, Emiley and Pat are all needing to celebrate. After we all celebrate by watching the Super Bowl next Sunday we can celebrate their WODs with our friends. Maybe we don’t actually want to do them all in one week. We can spread them out a…

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I am excited about the weather this week. It’s not going to be below zero, or raining every day. So I have chosen one day for running outside. I know you’ll be excited about that! We shouldn’t get too hopeful about spring weather yet though. February has been the month for some of the worst…

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Well, I didn’t think it could happen, but it did. We worked out for one whole week without turning a fan on once! Whew, that was a cold week! Next week it should be warmer, but it is supposed to rain every day. Maybe that’s better, but I’m not sure. I think this next week…

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