We had a wonderful Christmas party last night. Thank you to everyone who came, brought food to share and stayed to play some amazing games. It’s always great to meet other people that come to the gym all the time, just at a different time than yours. This week we will enjoy the gifts of…

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Our Christmas Party will be at 6pm on Saturday Dec. 11. Please bring families and food to share. I will provide utensils and drinks. We will play games and maybe some will play around making up new things to do in the gym. Barbie is already preparing a fun game for us with prizes! It…

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I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope you had more things to be thankful for than you could count. Since the Christmas music has already started we are looking forward to Christmas events we have every year. One is the 12 Days of Christmas WOD, always a fun day., That date is yet…

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This is Thanksgiving week so classes will be a little different. We will have all normal schedules on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday the gym will be closed all day. Friday we will have an Open Gym time at noon, until you want to go home. You are not going to work off all that…

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We have been having some problems with our website lately. I think they are all sorted out now and it’s all working well. But if you have any problems with seeing the wods or signing up, please let me know right away. If it all works like it is supposed to, classes run smoothly and…

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Ok, maybe I didn’t need to include Turkish Get-ups in my birthday wod, or Box Jumps. But most of you don’t have battle wounds, so it’s kind of ok. I still thought it was fun. This week we have a Veteran’s Day WOD for some extra fun. The schedule has been published for the Games…

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Nothing like a stressful week turning into a very stressful weekend. Next week should improve but it’s not over yet. As many of you know, my granddaughter, Devon is in the hospital with pneumonia. She is doing better, but is still expected to stay for a few more days. Thank you to everyone who prayed…

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I am trying to take advantage of nice days to run outside for as long as the nice weather lasts. Some of you might not be thrilled with that news, but it’s better than running in the rain, right? For the rest of the week we have some skills to work on, some heavy lifting…

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This week is going to be a more normal week. There is one day for Running and one day for Rowing. Not too much of either one. In the next couple of weeks we will also include a Hunter’s WOD. David is helping out with that one. Just wait, it should be fun. MONDAY 10-18-21…

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We have a variety of WODs this week from several sources. One is from one of our own, Jen. She was on vacation on her birthday but that doesn’t keep us from waiting ’til she gets back to celebrate! Some of the others are adapted WODs from the Festivus Games. Even if you have sampled…

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