You that have signed up for the week already have shown me that you do not cherry pick your workouts according to what you like to do. I completely forgot to post these WODs last night and you still signed up and came to workout not knowing what to expect. Good job people! This week…

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This week will be a normal week for our schedule. Next week will be a bit different. We usually close on Thursday, that is Thanksgiving, and will be again this year. Often, I have had someone fill in for me on Friday. I will be available to come to the gym on Friday, but many…

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We have some more holds to practice this week. These were really hard, but so good for our strength gains. These holds also challenge our balance along with our static muscle contractions, which is a foundational skill that needs some work. We also will stress some of our cardio limits this week along with some…

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As I was picking out my WODs today, I was complaining silently that I only had 4 WODs. Then I realized that I have a birthday. Of course, I should make a fun Birthday WOD! I think it will be fun, but you can let me know later. MONDAY 10-31-22 Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3×5)…

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We had a good week last week and I expect to have another good week this week. We had some doosies of workouts though, that I thought wouldn’t be as hard as they turned out to be. I was a little disappointed with some of my own performances, but I think I worked hard, and…

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I’m making up some of my own WODs this week. Last week when I didn’t like what was programmed on the CrossFit main site, I chose some “Hero” WODs. This week I am making up my own. The main site has variations on the theme of Cindy and DT. I think we are done with…

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While checking out WODs to include for this week, I saw some repeats of WODs we have just done, with a small difference. Although there is not a problem with repeating a WOD recently done, I thought it might be better to do some “Hero” WODs. Not all “Hero” WODs are so terrible that it…

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I have been very interested lately in what exercises are good for building strong backs. So guess what we are going to start doing more regularly. Core exercises are not just for strong abs! We need strong spinal muscles too. Then if our abs don’t show enough, we can start working on what we are…

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We are home for a while now. Thank you for making sure you were safe at the gym while we were away. Hopefully you didn’t do anything more dangerous than we did. We hiked, several times and sometimes not on the trails as they were marked. There was some rock climbing involved, up and down.…

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We have some make-up WODs to do this week. One is a birthday WOD for Tim. One is a 9-11 WOD that we didn’t celebrate. And one is a birthday WOD that is right on time for Barbie’s birthday. We did a workout with Lydia and Landon at their gym on Saturday that I will…

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