These are the two latest On Ramp Grads. There are three more starting or in the middle of On Ramp. I thought I should get these pictures out and these people welcomed before the others get completely finished!          Max Built our Jerk Blocks for us. Thanks Max! And Vicky is from…

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I have a link with information about some upcoming Spartan Races if anyone wants to check them out. Dylan has been to one. You can ask him for some tips and insights he might have. If you run in any of these, come home with pictures!

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We are going to have a “Share the Pain” week in October. Tell your friends, bring your relatives, explain scaling for each individual and come have fun! The week is October 6 – 11. This should give you time to find friends if you don’t have any handy. Convince them that they can do it…

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Two fliers are on the front table in the gym advertising two different races. One is November 1st supporting Kiwanis Kids Projects. You have until October 18 to sign up for the 5K for $20. ($10 for 17 and under) The other race, October 11th, is a timed 5K/10K with an optional obstacle course. Or…

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  This poor little sock must have dropped out of someone”s gym bag. It appears to be a clean sock! It is lost to you but found to me. If you want to take it home to its mate, it is on the top of the cubbies just inside the door to our room. I…

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Okay, I did it again. I waited too long to post these pictures of On Ramp Graduates and now I have a bunch of them to post. First is Michelle Lichtenegger and her two sons Kaleb Keifer and Garrett Lichtenegger.       Then there is Wyatt, who didn’t want his picture posted on line.…

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I’ve waited a little while to post these new graduate pictures. I haven’t waited as long as sometimes. They got done just in time for 100 Burpees! And they didn’t die!!! Aaron Wright – successful completer of 100 Burpees! Congratulations, Aaron! Amelia Popp – may come back when tennis season is over. Lilli Elfrink –…

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I told you to look for some proud finishers of the Burpee Challenge and here they are. Showing off their new shirts after finishing! Woo Hoo! I did it! Finished! And Finished Twice! Friends who sweat together! GREAT JOB, GUYS!!!!!

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The shower for Leslie and Boyd Sievers’ baby, Amelia, and Jenny and Todd Shelton’s baby, not yet here, was a success! You gave them such nice gifts! Thanks to all who could make it in to wish both babies well and have a little fun while you were at it. Thanks to Barbie who made…

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We’ve had several people reach new PR’s in lots of areas. Push Press weights of 155 were reached by Patrick, Brian and Peter! Good job guys! Rope climb PR’s are getting higher everyday, it seems! Peter at 28, Dylan at 21, Brian at 15, David at 12 are all impressive! Val got a PR in…

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