Judy Johnson has joined our family. I am thankful for each one of you that makes up our Nearly Perfect  CrossFit Family!

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I have waited until now to post these last grads because I just moved all of my phone pictures to my computer and now I can work with them again. There was technical difficulty with the user. Nathan fixed it (me). Please welcome Andy Stover and Suzie Kidwell. We’re glad to include you both into…

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I have been contacted by the owners of the Festivus Games to see if I want to cancel hosting the competition. I DO NOT WANT TO CANCEL! They are concerned because there are only 9 people signed up. Many of you said, “I might do that. It could be fun.” It will be fun! I…

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We have two more On Ramp Graduates. They just got finished last week! This is Sophie Crabtree. You won’t see her until her vacation and volleyball season is over. She promised to come back in the fall, after she has used a little of what she learned in her sport first.        …

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We have three On Ramp graduates and two more to follow shortly.     Adam Pavelka     Jason Cox and Kara Justis Cox, (they just got married on July 4th). Congratulations to all of you for joining us in CrossFit and to Kara and Jason on their new marriage.

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I finished the Masters Qualifier in 130th place! I was invited to do the Masters Qualifier events because I finished 194th in my  division worldwide. I accepted that invitation and did my best to complete every event. By competing again, in the events I was told I had no chance of winning, I moved up…

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These are the latest On Ramp Grads. Todd is Jenny’s husband. If you thought Jenny was hard to beat, just wait until you work out with Todd! He works out mostly at 5 am, so he will help to set the bar for most of you. Ashley finished just in time to move to St.…

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How are you doing in our own gym? Check out your scores. This is the leaaderboard for those athletes who entered the Open competition. If you did this workout, but weren’t entered you can still see where you fall in the ranks. <iframe src=”http://games.crossfit.com/lboards/displayLeaderBoard?id=893137&numberperpage=10&page=1″ width=”638px” height=”400px” scrolling=”no” style=”overflow: hidden; border: none;”></iframe>  

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