I’m finally posting our last graduates. I had some technical difficulties with the pictures. Welcome to our family, guys!

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These are the last four people to complete their On Ramp introduction. Let’s hope they like us enough to stay working out with us for even more good results. Welcome all!    

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Do you need an incentive to run faster? Run with Kari and you can have this guy chase you too. Kari said she ran lots faster when she was getting chased!

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Sierra Welker These ladies all seem to be early morning crossfitters. Welcome to our family! Even the evening people welcome you, whether your paths cross or not!

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Welcome to our three newest graduates! Yes, two of them look alike! They’re twins. They have no “name” twins, however, like several of the rest of us! Welcome to the family, all!

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Welcome to the CrossFit family! We aren’t getting fancy with the middle initial for Jennifer, she has a twin name in the gym. Like the Leslies and the Lauras. To tell them apart we will use middle initials since their last names begin with the same letter, again, like the Lauras! For those of you…

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These are the latest On Ramp Graduates. They have only graduated in the last couple of weeks, so I’m not even that late in posting these pictures. Most of these have already joined in with you in classes. Let’s welcome them all to our family!

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