The last Open WOD 17.3 seemed to be a weed out WOD. Either you can do heavy Snatches and Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups or you can’t. Some people have gotten new PR’s doing this competition, though. That’s what competitions are all about, trying things that you haven’t done before and sometimes succeeding! Nice job everyone! If you…

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For those of you that have completed 17.2 in the Open competition, submit your scores when you are able. If you decide that you want to do the wod again to improve your score, you can withdraw the old score and post the new one, if it is better. If you have not done the…

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The main thought on many people’s mind is, “where am I on the leaderboard?” Then, “I wonder what 17.2 will be?” If you have not signed up for the Open Competition yet, you still have time! Go to to register. Then submit your score for 17.1 before 7pm, our time. If you haven’t done…

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It’s party time tonight at 6pm! Come to Wings Etc. in Jackson to celebrate our gym, our fitness and our friendship! You may notice that there are only 4 wods posted for this week. That is because the Open Competition begins on Thursday Feb. 23. The announcement of the WOD will be broadcast at 5pm,…

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I’m ba-aack! I want to thank everyone who filled in for me, training classes, while I was gone. Some of you, I saw, need to learn to write smaller on the board to make room for the 6pm athletes. Other than that I heard of no problems. It’s so nice to know I can be gone…

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Welcome to the CrossFit family! We aren’t getting fancy with the middle initial for Jennifer, she has a twin name in the gym. Like the Leslies and the Lauras. To tell them apart we will use middle initials since their last names begin with the same letter, again, like the Lauras! For those of you…

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Don’t get used to this early post. I want it done early this week so I can relax! While I’m relaxing, you sign up for the Open and sign up for our Anniversary dinner. The dinner is Feb 18 at 6pm at Wings Etc. in Jackson. Five days later the first WOD of the Open…

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I hope everyone is signing up for the Open soon! You have a few days left, yet. We will be doing the wods that are for competition anyway, you might as well see where you stand in the world, region and state! It’s always fun!!! Another thing to sign up for is our anniversary dinner.…

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I hope people are signing up for the Open! You have plenty of time, but we are going to practice as many of the movements I think might be included while we wait for Feb 23. Also think about who wants to be one of the 2 athletes that does the wod on the Saturday…

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Registration for the Open is now live! This is where you go to sign up. The cost is $20 to enter and see where you rank with all your peers in the world. If you don’t think you are the competitive type, enter and see where you rank this year. Then do it again next…

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