I was talking to some people the other day and a pool party suggestion came up. Instead of saying, “yeah, we should do that sometime.” We planned a date! I am inviting everyone to come to my house on Saturday August 12 at 10am until whenever. Bring your family, towels, sunscreen and a dish to…

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Several people have asked about classes this week. I have answered individually, but need to make sure eveyone knows. Monday will be classes all day on our normal schedule. Tuesday the gym will be closed all day. If you feel you must get some kind of workout in, run the 5K in Jackson that morning.…

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We have a new opportunity! Thanks to Laura Moll for finding a competition that we can all participate in. This is a scaled 3 person team competition, 3 guys or 3 girls. Sometimes you have a scaled competition that people who shouldn’t be in that category participate in, crowding out the real scaled athletes. This…

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I’ve learned another new thing! In an interview with Ben Bergeron, big name in CrossFit, I learned that we don’t practice enough on movements. Practice is very focused work on technique with light loads and low heart rates, working towards perfection. According to Ben we should be spending 45% of our time in the gym…

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We (Laura, Laura, Laura and Nathan) started on a project of cleaning our barbells. Now that we have the right tool, the job should go a little faster, but I imagine that it may still take a few weeks to get to them all. You will hopefully notice how smoothly they rotate after being cleaned.…

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Do you need an incentive to run faster? Run with Kari and you can have this guy chase you too. Kari said she ran lots faster when she was getting chased!

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Thanks for all of the suggestions for WODs for this next week! So many suggestions, SO MANY BIRTHDAYS! Birthday WODs are never required. They are just simple ways to celebrate one another and enjoy what makes each one of us unique. What do you mean you like_______? We like you, but we don’t want to…

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Remember the gym will be closed on Monday 5-29-17 for the Memorial Day holiday. Since “Murph” is traditionally done on this day, to remember our Heroes, we will remember on Tuesday! As always, there are lots of scaling option for those of you that aren’t up to doing the entire wod! We are also celebrating…

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Sierra Welker These ladies all seem to be early morning crossfitters. Welcome to our family! Even the evening people welcome you, whether your paths cross or not!

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I tried to post this last night but my internet wouldn’t cooperate! I want to be sure everyone knows that the gym will be closed on Memorial Day. We will do “Murph” as soon after that day as the weather permits, maybe Tuesday. Or you can come in on the Saturday before and get it…

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