We are going to try to increase our strength wods for the next few weeks. This may help prepare us for the upcoming Open! Because it takes some time to do these strength wods I would like to suggest to you a different warm-up. Start with Rowing, Running, Biking or Double Unders. Do a few…

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Happy New Year! Ready for a whole new year of goal setting and working toward them? Are you ready to start  preparing for the Open? Be thinking about things you need to improve on and make a reasonable timeline to work toward achieving those goals. One of the keys to success is not picking everything…

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MERRY CHRISTMAS! This is the last week for wods in the gym for 2017. We will not be open on Monday, Christmas Day, just in case you forgot. And we will be closed on New Year’s Day next week also.  Because these weeks are short, only 4 days, we will not be doing strength wods…

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I can’t believe the year is almost over! The 12 Days of Christmas WOD is over. (Glad for that one to be done.)  The Christmas party was a fun one, with all good sports playing silly games and sharing food, but now that’s over. What could be left? Oh, birthdays! Yes, we will celebrate Jenny’s…

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We are definitely celebrating Christmas this week! We will have our 12 Days of Christmas WOD on Tuesday and a party on Saturday! For the WOD no special preparation is needed, just be ready for a long workout. For the party, come to the gym on Saturday at 6pm or anytime after that you can…

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We’re planning a Christmas party at the gym for December 16th. I’m thinking maybe 6 or 6:30 would work better for most people – let me know if that works for you. Bring food to share and your families! We’ll play games (just fun ones, no Crossfit required). I’ll try to be nicer to your…

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I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and used some restraint at the table. Paybacks in the gym are rough sometimes. MONDAY 11-27-17 ”Griff” 2 Rounds for time: Run 800 meters Run 400 meters, backward TUESDAY 11-28-17 Strength WOD: Power Clean then: For time: 50-40-30-20-10 KB Swings (53,35) Sit-ups WEDNESDAY 11-29-17 AMRAP in 15:00 Row…

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This is a short week because of the holidays. The gym will be closed on Thursday and Friday, but open again on Saturday for Open Gym. Just because we are not open everyday doesn’t mean you can’t still be active. There are always Turkey Runs and other oportunities to do active things after or before…

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We learned this week that running in the cold hurts your lungs. 150 Box Jumps hurts your knees and quads. 150 Wall Balls hurts your hips and glutes. What are we doing, on purpose, to cause this pain? Answer: we are disrupting the normal state of our bodies with some stress that makes our muscles…

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