Monday 5-4-20 “3-2-1-Gaux” for Margaux AlverazAMRAP in 10:0012 DB Power Snatch x1 DB6 Renegade Rows only x2 DB*12 DB Power Cleans x2 DB* If you only have one DB you may alternate rounds with the other arm.If your DB is too heavy for the Rows you may scale to Shoulder taps in Plank position or…

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Saturday 5-2-203 Rounds of:10 Right arm Standing DB Rows (hang position)10 Left arm Standing DB Rows10 Sumo Deadlift High Pullsthen:3 Rounds of:10 Goblet Drops (hold in the bottom 3 seconds)10 Overhead Squats (breaking the bar)

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Friday 5-1-20For time:10- 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1   Push-ups20-18-16-14-12-10- 8 – 6 – 4 – 2   V-ups30-27-24-21-18-15-12- 9 – 6 – 3   Air Squats Figure out how to count so you don’t get mixed up. I would count to 10once for Push-ups, twice…

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Thursday 4-30-205 Rounds for time:400 meter Run15 Sheet Rows (hands at hip level) Measure with 200 steps there and 200 steps back on your first roundonly, then go back to that spot every round. Make sure you put theknot of your sheet on the correct side of the door so you are pullingthe door closed…

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Wednesday 4-29-20AMRAP in 15:0015 DB Bent-over Rows Left arm (50,35)15 DB Bent-over Rows Right armBox Bear Crawls R/L L/R together** You may do this around your chair or just in a 4′ square area. MoveForward 4′, move Sideways 4′, Back 4′ and to the other side 4′ so youare back to where you started. Take…

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Tuesday 4-28-202 minute rounds for 5 rounds:*20 Box Step-ups with 2 DB (50,35)Max reps DB Push Press (bend knees to push, head through)2:00 Rest * Set your WOD Timer for EMOM every 2 minutes for 18 minutes. Then thefirst 2:00 you will work, counting as many Push Press as you manage todo before the 2:00…

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Monday 4-27-205 Rounds for time:20 Med Ball Cleans*20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull40 Driveway Lunges (go outside and be careful putting your knee down)* Use whatever object you have, keep the top upright and catch it inthe bottom of the squat.

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Saturday Bonus Day 4-25-20 Shoulder Mobility with Nathan Shoulder Press PausedSuggested 20 reps Fit-aid Challenge Do a Turkish Get-up (one on each side) with an open can of Fit-aid, soda, beer, water…Send me, or post a video, or it didn’t happen!

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Friday 4-24-20United in Movement WOD #7 Compete ScaleAMRAP in 10:002-4-6-8-10-12…Alternating Single arm Devil Press* (50,35)30 Double Unders* Devil Press with DB on the floor, place one hand on the DB and do a Burpee bringing the DB to overhead. You may snatch the DB to overhead or you may swing the DB as in an…

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Thursday 4-23-20United in Movement WOD #6 Compete ScaleFor time: (16:00 cap)150 Single arm* Thrusters (50,35)EMOM stop and do 5 Lateral Burpees over the DB* Change arms as desired. Move Hard ScaleFor time: (16:00 cap)150 Jumping SquatsEMOM stop and do 5 Burpees (jump and clap) Just Move ScaleFor time: (16:00 cap)150 Jumping SquatsEMOM stop and do…

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