Wednesday 5-27-2010 Rounds for time:30 Double Unders*10 Hang Power Cleans (DB x 2)10 Sheet Rows* Use a scale that moves you toward improving Double Unders. Don’tjust go straight to singles or 2:1, or 3:1…

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Tuesday 5-26-20“Giancarlo”AMRAP in 9:0010 Thrusters (DB x 2)10 Ground-to-Overhead (DB x 2)-immediately into-For time:100 Lunges100 Jumping Squats150 Sit-ups50 Air Squats50 Lunges This workout is a Hero WOD for a Sanctional Judge that passed awayfrom Covid-19. You will have 2 scores for this WOD. Number of Reps forthe first part and a time for the second…

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Memorial Day Monday 5-25-20The gym is usually closed on Memorial Day, but if you would like to do“Murph” on this day do all you can! You will need to mark out your runfor 400 meters and do it twice for half, or four times to do a full“Murph”. You will also need to modify the…

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Friday 5-22-203 Death By:ThrustersSheet RowsPush Press Do at least 2 out of 3, or all 3 if you have time. You should haveenough time if you start with 5 reps instead of 1 for the firstminute. Rest as long as needed between Death By next movement.

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Thursday 5-21-20AMRAP in 20:00200 meter Run1:00 Plank Hold** This hold for the Plank can be from your elbows (Low Plank) or hands(Tall Plank) and if you need to scale, it can be with your knees down.Use the marked off 200 steps you have used before for your run, ormake a fresh route before you begin…

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Wednesday 5-20-20AMRAP in 20:0020 Weighted Front Rack Lunges (DB x 2)20 DB Shoulder Press* (DB x 2)20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (DB x 2)* Shoulder Press is no dip, keep legs locked out, just move arms, head throughScale as needed for only 1 weight

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AMRAP in 10:0010 Weighted Box Step-ups (DB x 2)*10 DB Cleans (DB x 2)* If you only have 1 weight that is acceptable alternate hands or onthe Cleans do them as Med Ball Cleans. Challenge yourself!

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Monday 5-18-20Run 5K for time* With the construction going on at the intersection of Main and Shawnee, we will not be doing our regular “Mercato” 5K anytime this spring. So use a running app, Google Maps or some other tool to find a 5K route near you, on roads that are familiar to you, and…

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Today’s Bonus will be 1 hour of Yoga and Mobility with Laura AM. ifinterested, leave a comment and she will send you an invitation to theZoom Class. Each person needs an invitation with a session number anda password to be admitted to the class. It was great last week!

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Friday 5-15-20AMRAP in 12:0012 Ice Skaters – Lateral Lunge touch toe, shin or knee,with opposite hand12 Walking Planks – from tall on hands to elbows back up to hands = 1 rep12 Russian Squats – at the bottom of the squat twits BOTH ways, torso only moves12 Half Burpees – jump out and in with…

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