It is soon to be summer and I for one am happy for it. School will be out and schedules may lighten up. There may be more outside activities for kids and families. We can start running outside, wait is that a good thing? Of course it is! I am going to plan our 5K…

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We can see the school year is almost over. A couple of weeks for some of you and it will be summertime! Schedules change, vacations are planned, kids get even busier with other activities. Don’t forget to look ahead and plan time for you to get your workouts in. Surprises may come up and you…

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Sometimes we get caught up in doing the specialized movements like Olympic lifts and skills that are needed to improve those movements. However, basic movements are also worthwhile, even if they don’t feel as glamourous. Things like Burpees, Thrusters, Lunges are kind of the boring movements. Nothing that makes us move and causes our muscles…

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In the struggle to find a balance between too much of one thing and not enough of another, I have decided to add a bit more concentrated weight lifting. These types of days are very exciting to those that can lift heavy and put up new personal records. But these days are beneficial to the…

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We are done with the competition WODs from the quarter finals and I for one am glad. Those WODs even modified were hard! This week we have theme based WODs. All things Balls, or Barbells, or Kettle Bells, or Rings sounds like fun, right? MONDAY 4-19-21 5 Rounds for time: 3 Atlas Stones 10 Slam…

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Last Thursday our friends from CrossFit Perryville, who were competing in the Quarter Finals, came down to borrow our 15′ ropes. As we watched them complete as much as they could do in that workout, I thought about us doing those WODs. There is no way I would program what they had to do. So,…

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For those of us that were at the gym on Friday it was nice to have a relaxing WOD rather than another Open competition. We wore our bunny ears, thanks to Barbie, pulled out exercises from the hopper, very appropriate for Easter and worked hard while having fun. I hope that’s always the case. We…

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This week we are celebrating the end of the Open! Who is also glad that it was only 3 weeks long this year? I think there were some very good tests in this year’s WODs. If you don’t have a movement or two that you are thinking needs to be improved, you might just be…

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This is the last week for the Open. It seems strange to have only 3 WODs, but if you want to repeat any for a possibly better score, you are certainly welcome to do it again. If this is your first year to compete, you will be able to compare this year’s score with next…

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The Open is finally underway. Anyone who wants to do this workout over is welcome to try again. There is no way I am doing this one again! We will have time to judge you, then you can submit your scores before the 7pm deadline on Monday. For the rest of us there will be…

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