We are back home. It’s late, so here are the WODs. MONDAY 10-4-21 “Kelly” 5 Rounds for time: 400 meter Run 30 Box Jumps (24,20) 30 Wall Balls (20,14) TUESDAY 10-5-21 5 Rounds for total distance: Row 50 seconds, Rest 10 seconds Row 40 seconds, Rest 20 seconds Row 30 seconds, Rest 30 seconds Row…

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We have a pause this week on birthdays, but don’t worry we will celebrate another one in a couple of weeks. Maybe we could do a partner workout next week in honor of an anniversary. This one is mine. I’ll think on that one. As the weather is nice, think more about running for warm…

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We lived through birthday week, but not without some soreness. None of the wods looked that bad! Boy what a toll some of them took on us. We have more spaced out birthdays for the next couple of weeks. Maybe they will be ok in small doses. We are also going to do more strength…

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We have so many birthdays to catch up on celebrating! And some of you will be shocked at what everyone of the birthday people requested. Maybe some of you will be glad to find out what no one chose to include. There are no Burpees or Running! But everyone likes Box Jumps! Who would have…

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I wanted to post this week’s WODs a little early so you would have a heads up about Labor Day. The gym will be closed on Monday Sept 6, 2021 for the Labor Day holiday. If you are going to miss working out so much that you will be sad, do something fun in the…

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With the family that has visited my house lately, we have had more CrossFitters in our house than we usually do. And some of you should know that when Lydia visits, she shares what their gym does with me. So this week is her gift to me, “with love from Iowa”. I hope we all…

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As school starts for everyone this week, our schedules should go back to normal. When we figure out where we are supposed to be when, we can begin to concentrate on getting back to fitness instead of vacations. It’s always nice to have a break. Then it’s nice to settle down into our new normal.…

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We have a whole week on this post, from Monday to Saturday, how unusual! And we still have a birthday to celebrate for Chrissy. In between trips I asked Chrissy what she liked and when she would be back. She will be back this week, but I wrote down what she wanted and put it…

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I am supposed to be writing this on my way home, but we are delayed one day. Classes should go on as planned, and I’ll be there Wednesday. I’m ready to get back to normal life for a while. When everyone else gets back from their vacations, we have a birthday wod to celebrate with…

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We saw some amazing athletes engaged in tremendous competition this week. We set up our tents on Tuesday when we arrived. We took down our tents for a tornado threat on Wednesday night. We were safe in the coliseum but then spent the next morning re-setting up our campsite. Not how we had planned our…

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