This is supposed to be another wonderful week for running! Whether you think it is wonderful, is maybe not the appropriate word. Either way you feel about it, we are going to spend some time outside while we can. MONDAY 10-21-24Strength WOD: Deadlift (3×5)then:Variation on “Nate”For time:7 Rounds for time:2 Muscle-up Transitions4 DB Shoulder Press…

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Another beautiful week. Let’s keep going outside as long as possible. I love Missouri Springs and Falls. They are the longest seasons! Made just for us to enjoy! MONDAY 10-14-24Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3×5)then:For time:30-20-10Single arm KB Swings (Left)(35,26)Single arm KB Swings (Right)KB Goblet Squats TUESDAY 10-15-24For time:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Deadlift200 meter Run (after each set of DL)WEDNESDAY…

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We have two weeks of beautiful weather in our forecast. I plan to make the most of our good weather while we have it! Exercise is good for your health and happiness, just as being outside is good for your health and happiness. So, why don’t we put them together? Oh, yeah, let’s do just…

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We have some birthday that got missed, maybe on purpose from the birthday person not wanting to share the fun. Maybe from the day sneaking up on them. This week we will get together and pick birthday WODs for those who want to share the pain. MONDAY 9-30-24Strength WOD: Deadlift (3×5)then:”DT”5 Rounds for time:12 Deadlifts…

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Beautiful weather this week as far as temperatures go. We will try to be outside and just dodge the raindrops if they happen. We actually want the rain, just not when we are running! MONDAY 9-23-24Strength WOD: Back Squat (3×5)then:20 Rounds for time:2 Power Cleans (95,65)3 Box Jumps4 Pull-upsTUESDAY 9-24-24AMRAP in 16:00400 meter Run6 Burpees6…

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MONDAY 9-16-24Strength WOD: Power Clean (5×3)then:AMRAP in 5:00Shuttle Runs 25’+25’=1 repAMRAP in 5:00Burpee Bar Muscle-upsAMRAP in 5:00Shuttle Runs 25’+25’=1 repTUESDAY 9-17-24For time:25 Hang Power Cleans (heavy)50 Front Squats25 Hang Power CleansWEDNESDAY 9-18-24AMRAP in 20:003 Wall Walks6 Thrusters9 Burpees over the BarTHURSDAY 9-19-24Strength WOD: Bench Press (5×3)then:3 Rounds for time: 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95,65)40…

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We have a lot of fun WODs this week. We will start out with Tim’s Birthday WOD! Then we will go straight into “Fair Games”. Since the SEMO District Fair is up and running right now. That’s always a hit, right? After we have some WODs that were released from the Games Adaptive Division that…

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This week will be a short week because we will be closed on Monday for Labor Day. The weather will be a mix of cooler weather and some rain. Hopefully we will dodge the rain on the days I have planned to be outside. Next week is the Fair! We need to think of some…

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This week it’s going to be hotter than last week. So it’s a good thing we did all of our running last week. You can still run to warm up anytime, but we want to be careful to not get overheated. The goal is to be healthy and fit, not sick from heat exhaustion. MONDAY…

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I have looked at the weather for this coming week and it is going to be cooler! That means we can run outside and not get too overheated. Next week it will be hot again so we will enjoy it while we can. MONDAY 8-19-24 Strength WOD: Back Squat (3×5)then:In 8-10 minutes:Run 800 metersthen:Max Reps…

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