Hello everyone! Remember this week Laura and David are out of town. Please contact me (Laura Jr.) or the substitute coach for your class next week. Contact numbers are available on the WOD board. Everyone’s 18.2 scores have been validated make sure to update your score if you are re-trying it Monday. Can’t wait to…

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The Open 18.1 is mostly done. There are a couple of you that signed up that didn’t have a chance to do it yet, so you will do it on Monday. Don’t forget to post your scores BEFORE 7 pm Central Time. Sometimes the web traffic is so busy that the actual posting takes a…

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The Open is here! Or it will be this Thursday at 7pm Central Time. Watch the announcement live at https://games.crossfit.com/article/2018-live-open-announcement-venues  It is fun to watch and see what we will be doing on Friday! This is the beginning of the CrossFit Games competition, but remember that every workout is just another workout. You do what you…

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I have checked to see how many of you have signed up for the Open, and who you are. Thank you! For those of you that are nervous about signing up, there is no stress! We will do the wods anyway. This just gives you an idea of where you stack up with the rest…

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Thank you to everyone for keeping things going last week. I learned a few things when I came back. You need practice writing scores on the board. You need to learn how to do perfect movements before you go fast. Good Mornings and Evil Wheels are slow and controlled not fast and sloppy. All movements…

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Thank you to all those who are keeping the doors open this week! To the rest of you, sign up early for classes. Each of those with a key have access to the list of people who have signed up and will come if you come! If you can’t make it please let them know…

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The Judges course for 2018 is now on line at http://oc.crossfit.com For those of you that would like to help me out by judging the Open for people in our gym, you may go to this site, pay your $10 and take the course. I think it is a valuable course for any athlete to take. You…

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As I am posting this the snow is beginning to fall. Where the roads were clear it isn’t very slick. Where they were not clear, in my neighborhood, I had a lot of trouble getting up my little hill! I don’t expect much snow, but let me know if you are not going to try…

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