We have had some birthdays in our gym that have just slid by under the radar. And we have another one tomorrow! I’m not letting all of these go uncelebrated. If you want to pick a few favorite movements, let me know and I can help you make it into a birthday wod for everyone…

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We have some longer and heavier WODs this week so I am not programming any strength WODs for this week only. If you feel that you aren’t working hard enough without them, you are welcome to stay late and do a little extra. Or you may come in at a different hour just to lift…

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Reminder, the gym will be closed on Monday 9-3-18 for Labor Day. The rest of the week will be on our normal schedule. There is a special WOD that we will be doing on Thursday for CrossFit Foundation and CrossFit for Kids. This was a workout that was done by most of the CrossFit community…

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First, a reminder that next Monday is Labor Day and the gym will be closed. The rest of that week will be schedules as usual. But before that. we have a birthday to celebrate this week. Josh wants some fun things on his birthday wod for Friday. This will be a 2 person team wod…

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School has started for some, will start this week for others and in a week or two will settle down into a new normal routine. Until then, just hang on and keep going forward one day at a time. There is no reason to be overwhelmed in the gym. You will do what you should…

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I was just looking to see who has signed up for tomorrow’s classes before I go to bed. Not very many of you! Maybe you are waiting on me to post the wods, oops. Sorry I’m late tonight. MONDAY 8-13-18 For time: 100 M Walking Lunge 100 Push-ups 100 MB Clean (20,14) 100 Pull-ups 100…

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All the rest of the wods this week are directly inspired by the CrossFit Masters 50+ and the Teens 14-15. Enjoy! TUESDAY 8-7-18 ”Doubles and Oly” For time: 50 Double Unders 5 Squat Snatch (185,135) 50 Double Unders 4 Squat Snatch (205,145) 50 Double Unders 3 Squat Snatch (225,155) 50 Double Unders 2 Squat Snatch…

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We are thoroughly enjoying being at The Games! Devon has given several athletes high fives as they pass by the crowds. All of the wods have been incredible to watch the athletes complete. Only in the Masters 60+ division do I even have the thought that, I could keep up with some of them! When…

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I trust that all of you have the numbers that you need for the door openers for this week’s classes. If you don’t know who you should contact in case your plans change and can’t make it to the class you signed up for, you can get that number tomorrow. Don’t contact me, it won’t…

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