It is supposed to be very cold this week, so I chose not to make you run outside. But will your cardio suffer if we don’t run? NO! We have bikes. We have rowers. We have jump ropes. And for a little extra fun we have added in Burpees. You’ll be well challenged, don’t worry.…

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This week we are doing the Rogue Individual Online Qualifier workouts. There are no scaled divisions for weights or movement standards, so use your judgement and scale like you should. For example, the Bar Muscle-ups might be jumping. The weights might be lighter. If you would like to register officially for this Qualifier, you have…

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Anjoli said her half marathon is completed. One more race to go to get her Dopey medal. She already has her picture with him. Way to go Anjoli! We are all rooting for you!

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Anjoli has finished 2 of her 4 races. She has 2 of her medals so far and working on getting pictures with the characters on each medal. Good luck! On getting the pictures and the half marathon tomorrow AND the full marathon on Sunday!

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Our first full week in the new year can be the perfect time to make new commitments. Or it can be a time to set yourselves up for failure. Don’t start with an all or nothing mentality. You didn’t start bad habits all at once, you slipped into them gradually. Do the same with good…

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I can’t believe this year is coming to a close. It has been a full year with two Opens, and two local competitions. Next year will have only one Open, and at least one local competition that is scheduled already for April 18 at BootHeel CrossFit in Sikeston. This will be a “Festivus for the…

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The year is almost over as you can tell from the panic in everyone’s schedule. It’s exactly like the time warp that happens in an AMRAP. The time starts out way too slow, then suddenly speeds up at the end just so you can’t get the round you are working on finished in the time…

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The schedules are going to get crazy, or already are for everyone. This week the gym schedule should be normal. Next week we will have half days on the 24th and the next week on the 31st. Then the gym will be closed on the 25th and January 1st. Then it’s finally back to business…

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Don’t forget about our Christmas party on Saturday December 14 at the gym. We decided we will start at 6pm. Who knows how long we will stay. Bring food to share, your families and a wrapped gift to play “Dirty Santa”. This should be a white elephant or a cheap gift, nothing too special. Nathan…

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I have decided on a date for our Christmas party. It will be Saturday December 14, sometime in the afternoon/evening. We can figure out a time later, but I wanted to make sure you can hold the date. This year it has been requested that we play a Dirty Santa Game. That requires each of…

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