I’m so proud of everyone who is competing in the Open this year. We have two more weeks to go! Remember, you can repeat the wod as many times as you want. Just be sure you have it posted Monday night before 7 pm Central Time! No matter what our standing in the ranks, it’s fun to say we did what everyone who is going to compete in the Games did. CrossFit really is for everyone!

I have been very concerned about what the next Open wod is going to be each Thursday. So this week I am predicting what the wods might be so we can practice them, rather than trying to avoid the movements that might be chosen. One wod is a gift from Lydia, since we are so fond of her workouts. Her roommate has a dog and this is how she plays with him.

MONDAY 3-16-15
15.4 Prediction #1
21-15-9 For time:
Thrusters (95, 65)
Burpee Box Jumps (24, 20)
Ring Dips

TUESDAY 3-17-15
15.4 Prediction #2
3 Rounds for time:
15 GHD Sit-ups
10 Jumping Muscle-ups
5 GH Raises*
*From a kneeling position on the GHD, lean forward to parallel to the floor and raise back to kneeling without bending at the hips.

15.4 Prediction #3
"Bear Chipper" For time:
40 Deadlifts (95, 65)*
40 Cleans
40 Front Squats
40 Push Jerks
40 Overhead Squats
* one weight for all lifts

THURSDAY 3-19-15
Lydia's "Walking the Dog"
5 Rounds for time:
(take the dog to the park) 100' Farmers Walk (53, 35)*
(play tug of war with the dog) 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (53, 35)
(drag the dog back home) 100' Sled Pulls (210, 135)
* Change hands with the weight at the wall but don't put the weight down. Penalty for putting the weight down is 100' sprint (catching the dog) before continuing.

FRIDAY 3-20-15
Open wod 15.4

SATURDAY 3-21-15
Open Gym from 8 to 10
Yoga from 10 to 11
Soon there will be an opportunity to sign up for the yoga class, which will be held each week for free. Even if you don't want to workout first you are still welcome to come at 10 and join us for yoga.

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