I have good news and bad news. Good news first. I got a text a little while ago from Laura Moll. She and Monica Lillibridge were in a competition today in St. Louis. THEY TIED FOR 6TH PLACE!!!! Congratulations girls! Here’s to a job well done!

Now the bad news. Our 4th anniversary of the gym is coming up the end of February. I planned on having another party, but I waited too late to make reservations at Wings Etc. The room is booked until March. We will still have a party. It will just be later than I meant it to be. I will let you know the exact date in March after I talk with the manager tomorrow.

MONDAY 2-2-15
3 Rounds for time:
100 Squats
50 Box Jumps (20, 18)
25 DB Clean & Jerks (45, 30)

TUESDAY 2-3-15
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 Deadlifts (275, 185)
20 GHD Sit-ups

For time:
30 MB Cleans (20, 14)
30 Ring Dips
30 MB Cleans
30 C2B Pull-ups
30 MB Cleans
30 Push-ups
30 MB Cleans

For time:
Row (calories)
KB Swings* (53, 35)
* try overhead (American Standard)

FRIDAY 2-6-15
7 Bear Complex* (95, 65)
100' Bear Crawl
* Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press = 1 rep
May not put thee bar down until all 7 reps are completed.

Open Gym from 8-10am

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