Greetings all, from Springfield! Nathan and I are learning so much at this Level 2 cert. We can't wait to try out all the things we are learning on you!

This Saturday, December 20th at 6:00 pm is our gym Christmas party. Bring a dish to share, and your family, for a night of eating, visiting and games.

MONDAY 12-15-14
3 Rounds for time:
Row 50 Calories 
150 Double Unders
50 Walking Lunge Steps
(courtesy of

TUESDAY 12-16-14
"Death By"
Squat Clean (135, 95)
Push Jerk (135, 95)

WEDNESDAY  12-17-14
Barbell Turkish Get-up*
*each side (L+R)=1
(courtesy of

THURSDAY 12-18-14
For time:
Row 1000 meters
50 one arm DB Snatch* (40, 30)
Row 750 meters
35 one arm DB Snatch
Row 500 meters
20 one arm DB Snatch
*alternate arms, full squat
(courtesy of

FRIDAY 12-19-14
3 Rounds for time:
30 Man Makers* (30, 20)
40 V-ups (no weight)
50 Mt. Climbers (L+R=1)
*renegade push-up and squat clean thruster

SATURDAY 12-20-14
Open Gym 8-10
No yoga this week
Party at 6:00 pm!

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