I’m taking an unofficial survey to find out how many people might be interested in a Yoga class offered at our gym. Also, when would be a good time or times for you to attend such a class or classes. Let me know what you think and I will talk to someone who might be able to make that happen.

All wods this week are adapted from or courtesy of crossfit.com. I do have a birthday wod from Laura A. Meece I’m saving until she feels better. Be ready for that! Then when you think it is over, I have an anniversary wod to spring on you! Enjoy the variety!

MONDAY 9/22/14

For time:

Row 30 Calories

30 Jump over the Barbell Burpees

30 Hang Cleans* (135, 95)

* full squat


TUESDAY 9/23/14

AMRAP in 30 minutes:

200 meter Run

10 Push-ups

15 Squats



Every 2 minutes for as long as possible, complete:

1 Rope Climb

2 Front Squats (185, 125)

add 2 additional Front Squats each round


THURSDAY 9/25/14

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

10 Handstand Push-ups

10 GHD Sit-ups

10 Pull-ups

10 Good Mornings (45, 35)


FRIDAY 9/26/14

Bench Press


in between each round do AMRAP Double Unders in 2 minutes


SATURDAY 9/27/14

Open Gym from 8 to 10

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