Do some of our workouts leave you screaming? Are some of them more scary than others? Amber”s shirt is trying to tell us that sometimes we can do things that OTHER people would find too scary to try, but we can get them done!!!

Phone pictures thru 7-11-14 2498


Don’t freak out about me posting the wods early this week. It probably won’t happen again, so you’re safe! I want to thank all of the people taking over for me this week as trainers. I really appreciate it!

If any of you haven’t paid your training fees this month please leave your payment in the gray box. If you’re not sure what you owe or if you’ve paid, there is a list on the desk, by the calendar, of who I DON”T have a payment from and the amount your payment should be. If you are coming back from time off, it is halfway through the month and you can pay half your fee. But if you’ve been coming and are just late paying, it is time to catch up.


MONDAY 7-14-14

“7 Deadly Sins”

For time:

10 Pull-ups

20 Toes to Bar

30 Deadlift (185, 135)

50 Double Unders

30 Box Jumps (24, 20)

20 Burpees

10 Cleans* (185, 135)

*full squat, use two bars if you need to scale the weight on the cleans


TUESDAY 7-15-14

“Hotel WOD #3”

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

5 Push-ups

10 Sit-ups

15 Squats



“1/4 Murph”

For time:

400 Meter Run

25 Pull-ups

50 Push-ups

75 Squats

400 Meter Run


THURSDAY 7-17-14

For time:

10 Med Ball Cleans* (20, 14)

200 Meter Run with your Med Ball

9 Med Ball Cleans

200 Meter Run with Med Ball

8 Med Ball Cleans

200 Meter Run

do you see the pattern?

…..   keep going,

…..    and going, until you get to…

1 Med Ball Clean

200 Meter Run

*These are full squats!


FRIDAY 7-18-14

AMRAP in 19 minutes*

3 minutes on, 1 minute off

3 Power Cleans (135, 95)

6 Push-ups

9 Squats

*This is equal to 5, 3 minute AMRAPs with a minute of rest between them. You can post 5 separate scores or one score. If posting one score start up the next 3 minutes where you left off for the rest minute. Coaches decide.


SATURDAY 7-19-14

Open Gym from 8:00 to 10:00 am with Jordan again this week.


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