Beautiful weather this week as far as temperatures go. We will try to be outside and just dodge the raindrops if they happen. We actually want the rain, just not when we are running!

MONDAY 9-23-24
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
20 Rounds for time:
2 Power Cleans (95,65)
3 Box Jumps
4 Pull-ups

TUESDAY 9-24-24
AMRAP in 16:00
400 meter Run
6 Burpees
6 Bar Muscle-ups
10 DB Lunges (in Farmers Carry position)

4 3:00 AMRAPs
12 DB Rows
9 Back Squats 165,115)
6 alternating DB Snatch
Max Calorie Row
Rest 1:30 between rounds

THURSDAY 9-26-24
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
For time:
60 Single Unders
30 Wall Balls
20 Box Step-overs (24,20)
10 Ground-2-Overhead
5 Burpee Pull-ups
10 Ground-2-Overhead
20 Box Step-overs
30 Wall Balls
60 Single Unders

FRIDAY 9-27-24
5 cycles of:
In 4:00 complete:
Buy in:
3 Devil's Press
12/8 Bike Calories
3 Devil's Press
3 Ring Muscle-up Transitions
5 Push-ups
7 Air Squats
Rest 1:00 between 4:00 rounds

SATURDAY 9-28-24
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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