I am trying to find good days to be outside. If it’s cooler, that’s because it’s raining. If it’s sunny, it’s too hot to breathe, much less run. I’m trying to find a day that’s cooler and if it’s raining during your hour at the gym you can choose to Row or Bike instead of Run. As always, scale appropriately for yourself and the weather.

MONDAY 7-8-24
Strength WOD: Power Clean (5x3)
For time:
30 DB Box Step-ups (24,20)
25 Box Jumps
20 DB Thrusters (35,20)x2

TUESDAY 7-9-24
6 Rounds for time:
200 meter Sprint
200 meter Jog/Walk

AMRAP in 20:00
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

THURSDAY 7-11-24
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
5 2:00 Rounds for reps:
10/7 Bike Calories, or 15/10 Rower Calories
10 Burpees
Max Reps Squat Clean Thrusters (95,65) (65,45)
2:00 Rest between Rounds

FRIDAY 7-12-24
For time:
Med Ball Cleans
Double Unders

SATURDAY 7-13-24
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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