I’m looking ahead, past Mother’s Day to the week ahead. I think we may need to work together to build an ark! It is supposed to rain everyday! (Maybe not Monday). I have all inside WODs planned, but if it’s not actively raining on any of the days you come in, you might think about going for a run to warm-up. Just so we don’t forget that running is still a good option for exercise.

MONDAY 5-13-24
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
AMRAP in 12:00
4 Wall Walks (feet on wall, or Inchworms)
8 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
12 Single DB Overhead Walking Lunges (50,35)

TUESDAY 5-14-24
For time:*
90 Burpees
45 Jumping Pull-ups
* Break up the reps however you want.

5 Rounds for reps:
30 seconds Row for Calories
30 seconds Push-ups
2:00 rest between rounds

THURSDAY 5-16-24
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
EMOM in 12:00
Odd minute: 1 Rope Climb/5 Rope Pulls
Even minute: Max Reps Devil's Press (2DB)* (35,20)
* Burpee with hands on DB, Jump up and push DB's overhead

FRIDAY 5-17-24
For time:*
80 (2DB) Box Step-ups (24,20) (35,20)
* Starting at "Go" and at the beginning of every minute,
complete 20 Double Unders (or appropriate scale) before continuing with the step-ups.

SATURDAY 5-18-24
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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