After starting last week on a Tuesday, I was confused all week as to what day it was. This week will start on Monday, but we will be thinking about honoring the fallen with three different Hero WODs. Two are familiar, but one is new that I think we can manage. I don’t want Memorial Day to be only about “Murph”. There are 203 official Hero WODs for CrossFitters that were in some form of service when they were killed. And each of them has a story. As always, we will scale these workouts to be appropriate for each of us.

Closer to home, we have all been thinking of and praying for Landon. He has made some progress this week that is a shining glimmer of hope! He has been following commands and responding to Lydia’s requests to move his thumb or his hand! So far he won’t do it for the other doctors. His pressures in his head are normal, and the bleed is resolved. He is still in a coma, but these signs are encouraging that he might be coming out of it just a little bit. Please keep praying. This is going to be a long journey.

MONDAY 6-6-22
Strength WOD: Bench Press (3x5)
For time:
75 Power Snatch (75,55)

TUESDAY 6-7-22
AMRAP in 30:00
5 Deadlifts (275,185)
13 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps (24,20)

For time:
1K Row
15 Cleans
12 Thrusters
500 meter Row
12 Cleans
9 Thrusters
250 meter Row
9 Cleans
6 Thrusters

6 minute Hang from a pull-up bar (cumulative)
Each time you drop from the bar, perform:
800 meter Run
30 Push-ups

FRIDAY 6-10-22
Strength WOD: Power Clean (5x3)
3 Rounds for time:
30 DB hang Squat Snatch (35,25)
30 GHD Sit-ups

SATURDAY 6-11-22
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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