I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. The eggs with the workout movements were emptied and refilled with appropriate candies and are now empty again. I may be in a sugar coma soon. Good thing Easter is a one day holiday.

As for the workouts this week we are doing some named WODs and some that are similar to named WODs. The ones that are similar may help us get to the named WOD with a little more strength and ability.

MONDAY 4-18-22
"Almost JT" For time:
Handstand Push-ups
Ring Dips
21 Sit-ups

TUESDAY 4-19-22
Strength WOD: Power Clean (5x3)
3 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
21 KB Swings (35,26)
12 Pull-ups

3 Rounds for time:
150' Lunges in as few steps as possible
1 Burpee/step

THURSDAY 4-21-22
"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds for max reps:
1 min Wall Balls (20,14)
1 min Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75,55)
1 min Box Jumps (20,20)
1 min Push Press (75,55)
1 min Row (calories)
1 min Rest

FRIDAY 4-22-22
"Almost Diane" For time:
21 Deadlift
7 Wall Walks
15 Deadlift
5 Wall Walks
9 Deadlift
3 Wall Walks

SATURDAY 4-23-22
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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