This is Thanksgiving week so classes will be a little different. We will have all normal schedules on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday the gym will be closed all day. Friday we will have an Open Gym time at noon, until you want to go home. You are not going to work off all that you ate, but we can come together and have fun with something to do other than shopping. There is no sign up for Friday at noon, so text me, or just show up whenever. Saturday will be a normal Open Gym day you will be able to sign up for.

The Christmas Party I tried to schedule before our calendars were filled up came back to bite me. I have a conflict with December 4th! How do your schedules look for Saturday December 11th? We could also make it Friday the 10th if that works better for anyone. Let me know.

MONDAY 11-22-21
3 Rounds for Max Reps
1:00 GHD Sit-ups
0:15 Rest
1:00 Walking Lunges
0:15 Rest
1:00 Pull-ups
0:15 Rest

TUESDAY 11-23-21
Strength WOD: Deadlift (3x5)
10 Rounds for time:
1 Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squats

WEDNESDAY 11-24-21
AMRAP in 20:00
10 Turkey Ball Cleans
30 Double Unders

THURSDAY 11-25-21
Happy Thanksgiving
Gym Closed

FRIDAY 11-26-21
Open Gym at 12:00 until ?

SATURDAY 11-27-21
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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