Ok, maybe I didn’t need to include Turkish Get-ups in my birthday wod, or Box Jumps. But most of you don’t have battle wounds, so it’s kind of ok. I still thought it was fun. This week we have a Veteran’s Day WOD for some extra fun.

The schedule has been published for the Games in 2022. It of course starts with The Open. This will again be three weeks starting on Feb 24. Now is the time to increase some of your weights, so the required weights are not a problem, and improve on some of the skills you know you need to work on. Anything you want to practice can be done for warm-ups. There is nothing that makes rowing or running better for warming up than anything else. Try something new.

MONDAY 11-8-21
EMOM 1 Lift, increasing 10# each minute
Snatch (until you reach failure)*
Clean (until you reach failure)
Deadlift (until you reach failure)
* For each lift record your heaviest successful lift.

TUESDAY 11-9-21
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
AMRAP in 12:00
5 Front Squats
10 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
20 Double Unders

WEDNESDAY 11-10-21
4 Rounds for time:
2 Atlas Stones
10 Wall Balls
20 KB Swings
200 meter Run

THURSDAY 11-11-21
Strength WOD: Power Clean (5x3)
Veteran's Day WOD for Partners
3 Rounds for time:
100' Sled Push-Plank Hold (Army)
20 Overhead Squats-Hang from Bar (Paratroopers)
20 Med Ball Sit-ups together (Coast Guard)

FRIDAY 11-12-21
In 8:00 
AMRAP Shoulder Press*
* For every break, do 10 Burpees.
4:00 Rest
In 8:00
AMRAP Hang Power Cleans*
* For every break, do 20 Squats.
score is max reps of each lift

SATURDAY 11-13-21
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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