We have so many birthdays to catch up on celebrating! And some of you will be shocked at what everyone of the birthday people requested. Maybe some of you will be glad to find out what no one chose to include. There are no Burpees or Running! But everyone likes Box Jumps! Who would have guessed that? We are also going to have Fair Week, but only for a day. Since the fair is going on now, I thought you might like a little practice on some of the games. This week we have two more birthdays happening, but we will encourage them to choose different things to enjoy the week after this.

We are also going to remember the tragedy that happened on 9-11-2001. But I would like to commemorate a different side of that event. Many people died and we can count the lives that were lost. But I can’t find a count for those that survived. There were many that were led to safety. There were some that stayed home, changed their plans and weren’t in harms way that day. We may never know all of those stories, but I would like to remember them as we take stuff outside and put it safely by the sign. Each of us makes a difference in someone’s life, even if we never find out how.

MONDAY 9-13-21 "9-11 Survivors Day"
For time:
Move 300#/person from the scale in the gym to the sign post outside and then back inside again.

TUESDAY 9-14-21
Tim's B-day WOD (9-5-67) 
6 Rounds for time:
9 Pull-ups
9 Box Jumps
9 Toes-2-Bar
9 GHD Sit-ups

Megan's B-day WOD (9-3-84)
3 Rounds for time:
3+7 Box Jumps
84 Single Unders
9 Bar Muscle-ups

THURSDAY 9-16-21
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
Josh's B-day WOD (8-31-89)
For time:
8 Tire Flips
32 Sledge Hammers
31 Sit-ups
8+9 Toes-2-Bar
31 Sit-ups
32 Sledge Hammers
8 Tire Flips

FRIDAY 9-17-21
Fair Day Games
For time:
Pay first by rowing 250 meters before each "game".
Play each of 5 "games" the required number of times.
Add up your score for each "game".
Complete exercises after each "game" according to your score.
When all of the "games" have been completed along with their required exercises, yell time!

SATURDAY 9-18-21
Open Gym at 8am and 9am
If any of you are interested in doing more specific weight training let me know. That could be an option on Saturdays.

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