Memorial Day is here and we will be closed on Monday. We will do a Hero WOD on Tuesday, but not “Murph”. There are so many Heros to celebrate and remember for Memorial Day. I promise it will also be a challenging WOD for you to suffer through.

School is out for most. Summer has begun, except for a random cool “spring like” day here and there. This is the time for extra activities outside, at the gym and on your own. Incorporate all kinds of different activities, like backyard bar-b-ques, swimming, rowing on water, biking on a trail, half or whole marathons, and team sports, enjoy all kinds of activities. I will try to watch the weather for good running days. We need to get back into running for cardio and enjoyment! Can that be a thing? We are also doing well on having two options for our strength wod days. This way less people miss out on strength wods and won’t go months in between some of the lifts we do.

MONDAY 5-31-21
Memorial Day
Gym is Closed

TUESDAY 6-1-21
Complete 100 Thrusters for time* (135,95)
*Begin with 5 Burpees and at the top of every minute stop doing Thrusters and complete 5 more Burpees. Time stops when you complete the 100th Thruster.

For time:
Double Unders
Calorie Bike (or if bike is unavailable do x2 on Rower)

Strength WOD: Back Squat heavy (3x5)
For time:
KB Swings

Friday 6-4-21
3 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
30 Squats
20 Push Press (mod-heavy)

Open Gym at 8am and 9am
Yoga at 9am

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