Sometimes we get caught up in doing the specialized movements like Olympic lifts and skills that are needed to improve those movements. However, basic movements are also worthwhile, even if they don’t feel as glamourous. Things like Burpees, Thrusters, Lunges are kind of the boring movements. Nothing that makes us move and causes our muscles to work is worthless. We strive to do a mixture of all kinds of things that make us better, faster and stronger in our real lives outside of the gym. Then all that’s left is to supply our bodies with nutritious fuel and enough rest to build the muscle we desire. Here’s to constantly building a better you!

MONDAY 5-3-21
Strength WOD: Power Clean (lets go back to heavy 5x3)
For time:
Shoulder to Overhead
Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups

TUESDAY 5-4-21
(Power Clean)
4 Tabatas:
Thrusters (45,35)*
Hang from Pull-up Bar
Double Unders*
Hollow Rock Holds
*These reps count as your score

5 Rounds for time:
100 meter Waiter's Walk (Single arm DB)
30 Russian Lunges
30 Sit-ups

AMRAP in 20:00
25 KB Swings*
10 Toes-2-Bar
5 Front Squats (heavy)
* These must be unbroken reps.

FRIDAY 5-7-21
For time:
10 Back Squats*
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders
10 Front Squats*
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders
10 Overhead Squats*
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders
* Each of these weights should be different, but heavy for you.

Open Gym at 8am and 9am
Yoga at 9am

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