How many of you have signed up for the Open? This year it is only 3 weeks and there will be options that absolutely everyone can do. There are even supposed to be no equipment, at home options! The link to sign up is: http:/ The wods will be released each Thursday at 7pm, beginning on March 11. You may do the wod as many times as you want and will be judged, then enter your score each week before Monday at 7pm. Follow along on the leaderboard to see how you are doing along with all of your friends. It really is fun.

MONDAY 2-8-21
3 attempts at each:
Max reps Toes-2-Bar
Max reps Ring Dips
Broad Jump for distance
2K Row for time

TUESDAY 2-9-21
Strength WOD: Deadlift (heavy 3x5)
AMRAP in 14:00
7 CTB Pull-ups
50 Wall Balls
100 Double Unders

Power Clean

THURSDAY 2-11-21
For time:
75 Power Snatch (75,55)

FRIDAY 2-12-21
3 Rounds for time:
2 minutes of Jump Rope for reps
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Squats

SATURDAY 2-13-21
Open Gym at 8am and 9am
Yoga at 9am

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