We have about 5 weeks before we begin the open. I really do want everyone to sign up for this worldwide competition. There will be an Rx workout option and a scaled option that Dave Castro is saying everyone will be able to do. Let’s all participate in this fun event!

Another fun event will be a birthday wod. Don’t forget to let me know what you like in time to make a fun wod to celebrate you!

MONDAY 2-1-21
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
(heavy 3x5)
David’s B-day WOD (2-1-59)
AMRAP in 15:00
2 Bear Complex
1 Rope Climb
59 Jump Ropes (singles/doubles) your choice 

TUESDAY 2-2-21
5 Rounds for max reps:
Hang Power Snatch (mod-heavy)
Handstand Push-ups

For time:
1 K Row
50 Deadlifts (sandbag)
25 Wall Balls
500 meter Row
50 Single Unders
25 Lunges
250 meter Row
50 Sit-ups
25 Sandbag Cleans

Overhead Squats

FRIDAY 2-5-21
For time:
”Deck of Cards” with a partner 
Hearts = Burpees
Diamonds = Sit-ups
Clubs = Squats
Spades = Mt. Climbers
Joker = Ring Rows
2-10 = face value reps
J,Q,K = 10 reps
A = 11 reps
Joker = 50 reps

Open Gym at 8am and 9am
Yoga at 9am

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