“Share the Pain” this week! Bring your friends to check our wods this week for free.

The Nutritional Challenge is not over. I’ve been getting less meal records lately. Are you keeping track of what you’re eating and just not writing it down? Don’t give up now. Some of you put money on this challenge and it may be time to check your goal. Some of the goals may be different than you chose in January. Maybe you didn’t lose as much weight as you thought you would but you lost more inches than you thought possible. That turns out to be a better goal, really. Then there is the challenge of keeping the weight or inches off for 2 more months. This is really a long term challenge and we are just a few months into this year. If you’ve fallen off the wagon or gotten into some bad eating patterns again, you can get back on this wagon and start again from where you are now. It will make a difference, and you can do this just like you can complete any wod you choose to start.

MONDAY 4-22-13


1000 meter Row

50 Thrusters (45, 35)

30 Pull-ups


TUESDAY 4-23-13

Dumbbell Clean and Jerk


Then do:

Death by Clean and Jerk

With a continuously running clock do 1 Clean and Jerk in the first minute, 2 in the second minute, 3 in the third… until you can’t complete the reps in the minute. Use 50-75% of your max weight.



5 Rounds for time;

500 meter Row

15 Bench Press (135, 95)


THURSDAY 4-25-13

4 Rounds for time:

400 meter Run

50 Squats


FRIDAY 4-26-13

10 Rounds for time:

15 Deadlifts (135, 95)

15 Push-ups


SATURDAY 4-27-13

Open Gym from 8-10 with Laura