Thursday 4-23-20
United in Movement WOD #6

Compete Scale
For time: (16:00 cap)
150 Single arm* Thrusters (50,35)
EMOM stop and do 5 Lateral Burpees over the DB
* Change arms as desired.

Move Hard Scale
For time: (16:00 cap)
150 Jumping Squats
EMOM stop and do 5 Burpees (jump and clap)

Just Move Scale
For time: (16:00 cap)
150 Jumping Squats
EMOM stop and do 3 Burpees (jump and clap)

Keep track of how many reps you did before you stopped to do Burpees. Continue with the next number until you reach 150 reps or 16:00.

Join us for this workout live on Facebook, Thursday at noon!

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