Wednesday 4-22-20

Complete Scale
United in Movement WOD#3
AMRAP in 9:00:
Alternating Hang* DB Clean & Jerks (50,35)
Butterfly Sit-ups (bottoms of feet together)
immediately into: 
Alternating Hang DB Snatches 
Butterfly Sit-ups

* To get into the Hang position pick the DB up off the floor, completing a deadlift. Then lower the DB back down slightly to the hang position. You only need to do this when starting with the DB on the floor, not when changing hands.

This is an AMRAP so do the first couplet of 30-20-10, then the second couplet of 30-20-10 and if time has not run out start the first couplet again.

Move Hard and Just Move Scales
AMRAP in 9:00:
R&L Mountain Climbers (touch knee to arm)
Butterfly Sit-ups
immediately into:
Plank Down and Ups*
Butterfly Sit-ups 

* Start in a Plank on your hands. Move to your elbows without bending your body. Get back up to your hands. That is 1 rep. Use your knees if you need to stay in a straight plank.

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